Meeting documents

Dorset County Council People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 11th October, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 11th October, 2016 10.00 am (Item 17.)


The Committee considered a motion from Councillor Andy Canning which was referred to them by the County Council on 21 July 2016.  The Committee also considered a report by the Assistant Director – Design and Development on the Council’s response to hate crime.


The Assistant Director reminded the Committee of the Council’s legal duty to address discrimination and equality and that, in addition to this motion, the Cabinet had received reports about the Council’s responsibilities for refugees, with the first Syrian refugee families due to be resettled in Dorset in November 2016.  The report provided an overview of hate crime in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole, with no significant increase being recorded.  It was noted that figures for the period since the Brexit referendum were not yet available, that hate crimes were thought to be under-reported and steps being taken to address this were explained.


Councillor Janet Dover, who had seconded the motion, considered the report to be helpful.  She suggested that the Committee receive an update in 12 months’ time to review the resettlement of Syrian refugees, particularly in the light of arrangements for leaving the EU.  The Cabinet Member for Adult Health, Care and Independence, suggested that any report be broadened to include discrimination against those with physical and learning disabilities.  Other members also highlighted incidents relating to those with Downs Syndrome and mental health issues.  Officers agreed to include this information in any future report along with appropriate data.


Members discussed the report in detail.  They were concerned about the possible increase in hate crime since the Brexit referendum and suggested that a report was needed earlier than the suggested 12 month’s so that any variation could be monitored.  Members noted that 12 unaccompanied children had been resettled in Dorset to date and that members had corporate parenting responsibility for any who were under eighteen years old.  With regard to whether any training or briefing would be arranged for members, the Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills explained that there was a resource within the South West which could be used to understand how to support this cohort of refugees.  She would discuss the need for member training with colleagues but, in the meantime, information would be shared with the Corporate Parenting Board, and other members would be given access to the information.  She would also progress corporate parenting training for all members as it was important for them to understand their responsibilities.


It was highlighted that although figures given for incidents in Weymouth and Portland were the highest, it was the largest conurbation in Dorset so more incidents could be expected.  Officers agreed to include rates per 1,000 people in future reports so as to better reflect the situation.


The Interim Director added that the Children’s and Adults Safeguarding Boards, and the Community Safety Partnership were aware of the increase in incidents of hate crime for learning disability and mental health and were looking to raise awareness.  This was a matter that the Safeguarding Overview and Scrutiny Committee might wish to review.  They were also considerations for the Learning Disability Partnership Board and the Making it Real Board, who had responsibility for helping vulnerable people in Dorset to report incidents.



1.   That officers continue to progress proactively the partnership work around tackling hate crime.

2.   That officers continue to monitor the level of reported incidents, including those against people with physical, mental health and learning disabilities or mental health issues, in the light of the Brexit referendum and the Syrian Resettlement Programme.

3.    That an update report be provided for the Committee’s meeting on 11 January 2017 which includes information about incidents against those with physical, mental health and learning disabilities, appropriate data and percentage figures to better reflect the situation.

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